Vision & Goals

Support our Outstanding Educators
Coppell ISD is home to some of the most dedicated and innovative teachers in the state. To maintain our standards of educational excellence, CISD must be seen as a destination district not only for our families but also our teachers. Policies that prioritize teacher attraction, retention, and support are paramount to achieving this goal. Teachers who feel valued and supported lead classrooms where students grow and thrive.

Planning for Changing Demographics
Rising home prices mean that fewer families with young children are moving to Coppell. That presents challenges and opportunities. We must face these changes head on. But the process needs to be open, transparent, and involve the community.

Financial Responsibility
Our School Board must focus on keeping more of our tax money in the classroom. Investing in infrastructure, materials and teachers who will put our students first should be our highest priority. I will bring my years of financial experience in complex litigation to the Coppell ISD School Board to help ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability is a top priority in our budgeting and planning processes.

Advocating for Coppell ISD
With our state legislature now in session, we have a tremendous opportunity to advocate for policies that benefit every stakeholder in Coppell ISD: our students, teachers, staff, and tax payers. As a trial lawyer, I advocate for my clients every day. And as a proud supporter of public education, I am currently advocating with our state legislators to increase funding for our public schools. When public school funding last increased in the 2019-20 biennium, Texas generated roughly $115 billion in tax revenue. This biennium, the state projects tax revenues of $195 billion. We must put that money to work in our schools, rather than have it sit in Austin. As a School Board member and community leader, I will continue working to engage every member of our community to join in these advocacy efforts.